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Vertical hydroponic system - 3SV

The recommended amount of seedlings:

74pcs of larger plants such as dwarf tomatoes, chillies...

149pcs of smaller plants such as basil, oregano ...

price 1 999,00 €


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This system is designed for those who are limited in length and width. Also, there is the potential to use the maximum amount of space and light available.

It is a hydroponic apparatus utilizing the technique of nutrient film (NFT-nutrient film technique), which is arranged in a vertical growing system with gravity flow-through of nutrient water to cultivated plants.

In this system there is no media, the roots are placed directly into the water which flows through the drainage system over the entire area of each successive planting container, it also manages to oxidize all roots without light (to eliminate the formation of algae).

By this design is ensured an even supply of nutrients to each plant in the system.

Nor does this system lag behind in production, because it allows an area of about 2,25m² to be increased to an area of about 5.4m². Theoretically, it can be more than three times more powerful than horizontal systems, and it allows for there to be up to two and a half times as high crop yield, with the same sodium light output. Whereby each light illuminates an area two and a half times larger than the horizontal systems.

In place of the fourth wall we recommend, when using sodium lights to place; at a safe distance, a reflective surface to increase the efficiency of the lamps.

Further features: easy maintenance, either when mixing the simple nutrient solution and by its control and good access to the plants for their maintenance as well as during harvesting. The issue of waste in a system using solid media (clay, rockwool...), is reduced, which is a financial benefit for each harvest, also reducing the time taked to dispose of waste or cleaning of reusable material (expanded clay). The only waste is the root system of plants, which after opening the lid is simply pulled out and can be recycled as compost.

Our system can also be used as an Aquaponic system.

Lamps, LED, TECO water coolers and even Cool Tubes with piping for cooling light sources shown in the photos are not part of the production systems. They can be ordered on request.

Technical data:

Recommended illumination:

2x 400-600W

Pump power:

40 W

A number of pages:

3 pieces

Side length:

1500 mm

Number planting containers on hand:

7 pieces

Contents reservoir:

140 l


left and right

Overall system height:

2475 mm

Recommended space: 

LxWxH 1500x1500x2500 mm

Realspace with the door closed:

2,25 m²

Realistically usable area:

5,4 sq.m.