Holder large 2pcs
The large holder is designed to hold the large growing container firmly onto the aluminum frame 20 x 20mm.
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The large holder is designed to hold the large growing container firmly onto the aluminum frame 20 x 20mm.
It is a plastic bracket of a triangular shape, which is used to trap the movement of the growing container in the front by holding the bead at the bottom of the pot. On the lower slanted side is a hook that can be used to support plants by string or by inserting a rod of the given diameter and then by planting the plants along the entire length of the pot. The centers of these consoles are equipped with two openings for water supply. There is a pre-prepared hole for a screw for height fixation on the aluminum profiles that are spaced apart from each other to achieve the correct inclination of the pot and thus the proper flow of the nutrient through the pots.
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